Phytomer Treatments

Indulge your skin in all the benefits of the sea with sustainable, high-quality products, made in France, in the Laboratory of the Mont Saint Michel bay.

With PHYTOMER you are choosing safe, highly effective cosmetics. PHYTOMER is about more than just exceptional products. It’s also about spa treatments that provide exceptional relaxation.

For nearly 50 years, PHYTOMER has been transforming the sea into skin care to effectively reveal women and men’s beauty: a natural, authentic, vibrant beauty.

PHYTOMER scientists are the first in the world to cultivate the sea in the laboratory to amplify its power for the skin. They create high-quality, ecologically responsible formulas by controlling every step from discovery of the active ingredient to production of the final product.

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For Booking or Inquiries: 


Call:   +66 (0) 76 363 250 

WhatApp:   +66624400512

Line ID:   lespabystay 

*All prices are net

PHYTOMER Treatments

For more information on our PHYTOMER treatments and menu, click the link below to download.

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